
Sunday, May 6, 2012

November 28, 2011

It´s been a great week! Been working hard.

The biggest news is that ANDRES is getting baptized! On the 10th of December!! WE had the greatest lesson EVER with him and his family last night. When we got there to do FHE we realized that we didn´t have much of a plan. Then I thought, why don´t we teach about teaching and learning in the gospel (lesson 5 in PMG). It was kind of random but we went with it. Then it was BOOM BOOM BOOM REvelations!! The spirit led us, it was so amazing, and we discussed with his family members too, they all contributed to the lesson, (his youngest daughters, twins, are 22). His oldest son that came was taking about the scripture in Mosiah 3:19 (the natural man is an enemy to God) and we were able to relate it to our progression here on the earth. Unless we are baptized, we hit a wall, and we can´t progress. When we are baptized the wall falls down. But then we hit another wall. That´s the temple. Once we go to the temple another wall falls down. Our purpose in life is to progress and make it to live with God!! It was amazing how the spirit led both me and my companion and the family members. Andres said that he had already decided he was going to get baptized, it was something that has been on his mind constantly.

Well our investigator Diego is not really progressing and we got a reference for a lady named Marlene, who seems really interested but doesn´t have a job and her baby is sick and she is single so she hasnt been to church yet. hopefully next week! same thing with Luis and Roxana. They want to be sure before going to church.

Well we had training on tuesday allll day long it was good though i learned a lot that i have been applying to the teaching. Also the other day i went to the offices and the customs office in the post office and finally got the package stuff worked out. I had to give my fingerprint a few times and sign stuff and leave copies of my passport, electrical bill, map to the house of the secretaries of the mission, etc. Now hopefully I get the package soon!

pleas,e please, please, stop being sick! didyou try any of the things i suggested for sicknesses?
glad you had a good thanksgiving all ofyou!
the primary program is over. yay, we don´t have to go to the practices anymore. they had them about every week night. cuts out a lot of time! they did a good job but it was a pretty boring primary program if you ask me. only 2 songs, a few kids spoke, and then the president gave a long talk.

this week the members in the house that we live in had a huge party monday night, for their daughter´s 16th birthday party, compete with flashing strobe lights and the most expensive DJ in santa cruz. They invited us down for a little bit, we felt sooo weird, haha, they let us eat some sushi and tacos (weird combination and the tacos were gross, cucumber and mayo??) and then we went upstairs to our room and danced in our pajamas and they played my favorite song from here just as i was brushing my teeth haha it was fun. there was music ALL NIGHT but we were able to sleep some thank goodness. The Chambi family is soo funny. Their daughter had gone to the salon and was all done up and in a short zebra dress. , they don´t teach her modesty.

Thursday, what did we do, I don´t even really remember, but i think we did eat chicken, but we eat chicken every day just about... we were gonna buy bread and make honey butter but we ran out of time. Christmas we´re gonna plan better!

Tanner- GOOD JOB on making honor roll! I´m proud of you!

Well, got to wrap this up, hope this week is better than the last, and i love youall!! The gospel is true and JESUS CHRIST LIVES!!

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