
Sunday, May 6, 2012

February 6, 2012

Hello family!!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS TANNER! Proud of you! BYU-I!

Glad you youth conference went good! Lots of people in the house though! yuck. Good job on the scout stuff.

It was a great week.
Sorry if I scared you with the bee sting stuff. The doctor wasn´t really very clear on if I was allergic or if it just got infected. Probably both things. They didn´t tell me to get an epi pen. I don´t think those exist here. Bolivia is crazy sometimes.I am just trying to be careful because i dont want to repeat that experience. Two other people in the ward told me they got stung by bees last week too, but nothing happened to them like what happened to me.

the 17th we have a baptism for SEbastian the 9 year old whose parents are members. His dad gave his testimony in church yesterday! They are doing awesome and are excited.

We also are teaching a couple Fernando and Karen and they are starting the papers to get married today! Karen was in the hospital last weekend for a problem, but she´s out now, just has to rest. They will probably be baptized in March. they have 2 daughters 3 and 2 yrs and they are really cute. Paola and Nayeli.

Cristina didn´t go to church yesterday. she decided to go back to the internship she had before at a radio station. Boo.. but we explained to her the consequences of her decision and let her make the decision. Sad but we did what we could.b

thanks for the encouragin words. I have 12 weeks left on teh msision. I am gonna finish strong! Woo hoo!!

Wow the time went by fast, i was doing some photo sharing with my comp, sorry, but all is well in Belen!!

Well, this week is cambios, and they have to separate the amazing companionshp Tibbitts-Hernandez. Looks like I might be training a new missionary. I don´t know if i will stay in this area or go because this will be Hna. Hernandez´s last transfer, she goes home in march. Nervous!! Pray for me! I´ll let you know next week.

Hermana Tibbitts

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