
Sunday, May 6, 2012

February 27, 2012


Hey thanks for your letters. Looks like crazy stuff!! Will read it all later, don´t have time becuase i have lots of things to tell you about...

First of all, I have a new companion!! I AM TRAINING.!

her name is Hermana Briñez and she is from Cali, Colombia. She is great!! So we are in a trio now.
I love Colombians. They have great accents and they say funny things like add -ico to the end of words or say ¨si, señora¨¨ eveyr time they say si.
She came the saturday before carnaval so we had time to get to know each other during carnaval. We only had to cook 1 day for ourselves and we made hamburgers with avocado and they were yummyyyy. i wrote you a letter by hand but dont know when i will be able to send it.

Saturday was Hna. Briñez´s birthday!! And it was a great day. In the morning we sang her a mexican birthay song and threw confetti all over her bed. We also made a little happy birthday sign and Hna Julie made her a cake!! and had decorated her house with a sign and balloons. so that was fun. Also we had a baptism!! We baptized a 10 year old girl named Vanessa. Her aunt and uncle and family are active members and her mom is amember too but a little inactive because of her husband (stepfather of vanessa). But it was a great baptism!

We have 4 poeple with baptism dates, one is Raul who is about 60 he is a painter and we finally got him interviewed, he works a lot and is hard to find and he doesn´t have a phone. His baptism will be this saturday!!
Also there is a family that have been investigating the church for like 5 months the mom, victoria wants to get baptized but she has to get married and her husband is being a little stubborn he wants to get married at the end of hte year. But we have permission to baptize her 2 kids Jose Luis and Daniela we are planning that for the 10th

Also yesterday a girl that we contacted came to church with her mom and both of them accepted baptims dates and they liked the church a lot they stayed all 3 hours. They are victoria and mercedes. Not sure if victoria can get baptized though because she is not married and it sounds like she lives with her husband.

I Love being back in La Cañada our pensionista Hna Julie and Hno Edgar her husband are like my parents here in bolivia, Edgar reminds me a lot of DAd he makes the same kind of jokes, same with his brother Angel who lives next door and comes over a lot.A lot of things have changed for example we have all of the are instead of just half like before and we are working more in the half where i wasn´t before so that is different, and i love being wiht teh same members before and seeing how they have changed and grown.
We have a great ward mission leader his name is Juan and he is the bishop´s son, he was still on his mission last year when i was in this area, and he helps alot and gives great classes in gosple principles.

Tracee- how are your fingers?? I had to go to the dermatologist the other day because i have fungus growing under 3 of my fingernails. I have some stuff that i put on it and pills and it it working already it´s almost all gone.

Tanner! CONGRATULATIONS!!! SENDING A BIG HUG AND A WOO- HOO!!! so proud!!! Are you going in the summer then? Or just in the fall? I¨m so excited! I can´t believe you didn´t win that contest. YOu looked awesome. do you have a video??

I am glad sis. Richter is ok! I can´t believe that happened... I will pray for their family.

Boone! hope your teeth feel better!!

Wyatt- how much more do you have to do for your cycling merit badge? Sounds like you are doing a ton!! !

I can´t believe how fast the time is flying by. I have so little time left :( I´m gonna miss the mission!!! It has been so wonderful to be able to serve the Lord. I love it even with all the hard things that we have to deal with it ´s really stressful sometimes but the rewards are great.

sorry but once again i am typing on a crappy keyboard.
I love you all and have a great week! Will write again next week.
Hermana Tibbitts

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