
Sunday, May 6, 2012

April 30, 2012

Hello!! My last mission letter. Boo hoo. It{s so weird to think i am leavinggggggggg..

Well let me tell you about my week first. It was a little bit hard beuase we had to go lots of times to the clinic to get a receipt and take that to the offices. They messed everything up but we got it figured out. Then it got cold and rainy like on Thursday.. its still really cold!! Of course, it has to be cold my last days in Santa Cruz. What the heck. not cool. Anyways, so Gabriel actually doesn{t live in our ward. He lives right over the boundary. which stinks but whatever it doesnt count for us but we prepared him and he has to get baptized with the elders. We went with them the other night to intoduce them. I think the elders were really surpised that he is so excited to get baptized!! He had his interview for his baptism and hopefully his baptism will be this wednesday night, but the elders have to ask permission because he didn{t go to his ward yesterday, he went to our ward only becuase it is in the afternoon, and his ward is in the morning and itw as raining in teh morning. yes, that{s an excuse. He has a great testimony. He explained to the elders lots of things taht we taught him, like about the 4 pillars of the church of jesus christ (prophet, 12 apostles, revelation, priesthood). He is sooo ready for baptism. So excited. So happy. Baptisms are the best.

Andres and Milka are in problems. He is 10 years younger than her and his parents are anti mormons. we visited the mom of milka, and she explained us a lot of things. So we will see. We feel bad for the 2 little girls. They are pretty cute.

We are teaching a great family. Familia PIzarro. Roger, Alina, Diego (15), and they have baby twin girls Isabella and Camila. Roger recently had surgery becuase he has problems with his kidneys and cant work now. The twins are 9 months old and soo cute. they were born premature and so they arereally small. Diego is super curious, he says he was baptized in the church but no one else remembers but him! haha. So we will see. they have tons of questions. We watched part of the movie of our heavenly father{s plan with them on sunday. They liked it. When they were asking all their quetions, Gabriel just laughed al ot, because it was hard to explain much, because they just kept laughing. and gabriel was like, i already know, they just have to listen to the hermanas haha. it was funny.

anyways, booo, i hate saying goodbye, i{m gonna miss this place soooo much it has been my home and i will miss the PEOPLE I{ve been writing letters like crazy to people in my past areas to leave to them and thursday i willl get to do some visits with Hna Harman who is also going home. Boooo.... I read Acts 20 and it made me cry...

I feel like Ammon in Alma 26... 26-the end.
REad it and thats exactly what i feel. Change wilderness to Santa Cruz, and verse 29... i have been cast out, and laughed at, and whistled at, and have gotten sick, and taken to the clinic. something like that. i wanted to write it all out but i dont have time.

So.. I{m gonna talk to Presdient {Calderon. If you find anything out, call or write to the offices ASAP. There is a new secretary that is latino, but the assistants are americans and can read english.


I love you all!!!!

Hermana Tibbitts

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