
Monday, May 30, 2011

May 23

This week was the baptism of MARTHA!! It went well. We were kind of panicked saturday morning because our witnesses got busy and couldn´t come. But we found some others. Then we realized we didn´t prepare a musical number. So we did that last minute too. We sang a primary song , i´m trying to be like jesus. (Yo trato de ser como Cristo). We told her it would start at 7. She didn´t show up til 7 15 haha, people were telling us we should have gone to get her. Also she was late to sacrament meeting so they did the confirmation after sacrament. Oh well, we are happy she is baptized and she has friends in the church and wants to keep learning more. Everything works out with the Lord´s help. Her granddaughter Ainoha nayseth came, but none of the rest of the family, they don´t support the decision. sad :( i can´t get this computer to upload my pictures. only have one because my camera died when we were taking pictures!!! bummer! 

We had another training on tuesday, it went well, during one part of it president was randomly calling on missionaries to give examples of teaching a certain principle, in this case, law of chastity, using creativity. My mind was totally blank, i had no ideas, then the thought popped into my mind, i better think of something to say because he´s gonna call on me!! So i thought of something and he called on me, luckily i was prepared!! haha. the spirit will warn you when you need to be prepared! lesson learned.

still have not gotten packages. please don´t be afraid to send them though. it will take a while but they will come. others get them so no worries, i will too.

This week we had such a fun lesson with an hermana named Cokie, she is an older lady, she started going to an evangelist church recently but is struggling understanding everything. one of her doubts was about prayer, she didn´t really get how to pray, so we taught her, and read her james 1:5 and she cried! She was so happy because she has so many doubts and doesn´t know how to deal with them. Now she knows she can pray and ASK GOD!! just like joseph smith did. we are teaching the family, pray for them! 

We had the funniest experience. We were talking to a girl in a park, and this man walks up to us, says that his mom needs the gospel, and that he will show us where she lives, and let´s go. haha. he talked to us all in english. so we were like, ok, he took us around the corner, to meet his mom. he is a member in a different ward. he told us to go meet her and make an appointment. ok. so we go in and the mom was there with 2 daughters. they start going nuts! the mom and daughters are saying come in to the living room, no they have to come back later (they were eating lunch), have something to drink, no they have to go! they were all yelling in english and spanish, then thanking us a million times for coming, i don´t think me or my companion said more than 5 words, it was chaotic, haha, hope this makes sense.

We were so happy that one of the less active families, familia Melgar, that we have worked with a lot finally came to church on sunday! And they stayed for all 3 hours! 

I don´t know why we are short of BOM´s. They are sent from the US. Sometimes they just stop coming. That´s how it is for pamphlets and such. We just started getting pamphlets for lesson 1 (restoration). We are running out of lesson 2 pamphlets too (plan of salvation).

mom- glad you like the 3 rules. it has helped me a lot. i got that from my district leader. I have it in my planner and look at it a lot.

Brothers-- study!!! promise it will be worth it. glad to hear that you are all healthy and happy.

thanks for the news on the missionaries. that´s a bummer about israel, but the lord knows why everything happens. 

I love you all!! keep writing. sigan adelante y confien en Dios. until next week. love Hermana Tibbitts

May 16

So good to hear from all of you!! And talk to you!! Thanks for your encouraging emails. They help so much!
I can{t believe i have been a missionary SIX MONTHS!!

Something i have learned in the mission is that there are 3 things you can control in the mission
1. level of obedience
2. level of effort
3. Attitude!!
So if you work on those 3 things you will always have success!!

Also my companion helps me so much. Hna. Larsen is really great. she helps me keep the spirit because sometimes i get really stressed out and that drives it away!!

Sometimes i wonder how i{m not fainting from exhaustion in the streets day to day, but i know my heavenly father is helping me and lifting me up!!
This week i got a little sick,(stomach) so the doctor prescribed me some pills that totally took away my appetite! So i almost did'tt eat for like 2 days. it was weird! All i did was drink soda. I went thru almost 3 liters of 7 up in 2 days. That was all i wanted. I think i had a ramen soup once. We still went out and did work. I{m not taking the pills anymore and slowly my appetite is coming back. Now all i want to eat is cookies. And soda!!

Marta had her interview and is getting baptized on saturday! We are so happy!! She is amazing and she is ready. I love her so much! The elder who interviewed her (E. Schenk) said that she taught him new things in the interview. She has a lot of faith. She hasn't read any more than the introductory parts of the Book of mormon but she knows it is true. She wants to be a member of the church although her children dont{ want her to be baptized.

ARe people saying there that the world is gonna end on the 21 of may?? lots of people ask us about that here.

we are searching far and wide to find people to teach. a lot of our investigators are burning out, like Victor. He isn{t trying to quit smoking and doesn't want to be baptized so we have to leave him. sad but that{s how the mission is. Maybe when his wife comes back we will go back, but for now, no.

But we have found some good people! For example we found Dirse, she is a single mom with 2 kids, she works and studies but she wants to find the truth and wants to learn more, and is always super grateful to learn and have us come. We just need her to pray and come to church!

We met someone that was Gnostic.. have you all heard of that? it's more of a philosophy than a religion.. it was super weird and hard to teach him!!

Something sad is that the mission is short on book of mormons! We are gonna have to make copies of the introduction and 1 nephi to give to people because we haven{t gotten any for a while. Same thing with the pamphlets.

WE had training on tuesday and we also have it tomorrow. We were there from 8-530, it was so long! But i learned so much.

Please pray we can find FAMILIES!!

I love you all. Sigan adelante. Be good!! hasta la proxima. Love Hna Tibbitts

May 9

Hello!!! Happy mother's day again!! It was so great to talk to all of you!! I loved hearing your voices and hearing about what you are doing and be able to explain a little more about the mission and how things are going! We were just told that for christmas we can talk with our families for 60 minutes! woo hoo!! i can´t wait. I love you all and thanks for being supportive and wonderful. I have the best family!! Sorry if you didn´t understand my explanations of things like the bananas etc. But the ones that she cooks taste bad when they´re not cooked.. maybe that will help you understand more :)

This week was a little difficult to start out. The mission has changed me in so many ways. But it got better! We found some great people to teach this week! 

First of all, Marta is getting baptized on the 21st!! She is happy about it, she wants to folllow this path, and she has changed a lot already, with the gospel in her life, we have really noticed that she is a lot happier. Unfortunately her family doesn´t really want to listen to us.We have taught all of them one time or another, but not more than once or twice. She is separated but her husband is always at her house, sitting in the dark at the front of their house, drunk, and it really bothers her. It´s kinda creepy actually haha. Her house is really humble. It doesn´t have 4 real walls. We saw a huge rat there one day. it was nasty! Her 2 daughters (including mom of Ainoha Nayseth) don´t live the law of chastity, they are living with a man but not married. she asked us if it was ok that she could get baptized since that was the case. we told her of course, since you are living the law of chastity!! She is so wonderful. She is very humble and docile, that´s a word in english right?? 

We also are working a little bit in a barrio that is actually really nice, but small and a little farther away. it is called aeronautico becasue it´s by the air force-army or something base. One day when we were there knocking doors we met a man named Jorge who is a member from a different ward and stake, recent convert of 2 yrs, he is older and divorced and his children live in our area, they are all adults, all single except for one (4 kids). We were able to teach with him there and he bore powerful testimony and really testified to his kids that he wants them to know about the gospel and accept it so they can have a forever family. it was great. 

Also in aeronautico we met Guido and Eva, and taught them, they are catholic, their kids are all grown up and live around the world, they have traveled a lot, he was in the military but is retired now, they had a lot of questions but are willing to learn, they want to know more about the bible etc. We found out that she is the president of their neighborhood home owner´s association, something i didn´t even know existed in places like here, but they have one since it´s a NICE NEIGHBORHOOD, there are mansions here for bolivia, super nice. a lot of houses have the speaker things outside the door, and i´ve seen a few with cameras there too. They are going to invite us to their neighborhood activities so we can meet people. They know tons of people!!! I hope they progress, they are so nice!! Guido answered the door when we rang their doorbell, he told us in the visit that he wasn´t having a great day, but he saw us and thought that God sent him 2 angels!! :) 

we had zone meeting on thursday with president calderon. He talked to us a lot about the importance of FAMILY. For example, if you are teaching a child or teenager, and they don´t have the support of their parents, it´s beter not to baptize them. they need to family support or otherwise they will easily go inactive after a while. The gospel is for FAMILIES. we are not just looking for people to be baptized, but for them to also be able to go to the temple and make those covenants there. (Preach my gospel chapter 1- the gospel blesses families-- i glued a picture of a temple next to it to remind me)

Tomorrow and the tuesday after that we have training from 8-4 with 4 zones and president Calderon! Should be great to learn a lot, but it takes a lot of time away from our work. pray that we do good in the practices!! 

Well running out of time. I´m so glad i´m here doing the Lord´s work. it is so important and it´s so rewarding to be able to help people learna bout the restored gospel. Please pray for my success. I know this gospel is true. The book of mormon is true. I finished it last week and started again!! :) one of hte mission goals is to read the BOM every 4 months. it´s fast but not too fast!! Study your scriptures and pray! God answers!! I love you all! Keep choosing the right! I¨ll try to take pictures to send next week. love Hna. Tibbitts

May 2

Hola! From the chilly city of Santa Cruz. It got cold!!! Winter has begun! Thurdsay it was hot, and then friday it got cold all of the sudden! It´s really windy and the cold is different here than in utah for exaple, because there is humidity here. almost all of our investigators got sick and didn´t come to church, so they lost their baptism dates, all except for marta!!! We watched the restoration video with her in the church, she really liked it and i don´t know if she understood about joseph smith before, but she prayed afterward and the prayer was really sincere, she wants to know more and share the message with her family, she still has some doubts but we are working with her.
Last sunday-monday wa sactually one of the worst times i ahve had in the mission, i was really sad because we weren´t meeting our goals especially with lessons, so this week we realy forced ourselves to teach more lessons and we did well! We have had to stop teaching a lot of investigators becasue they are not progressing. It is sad but has to be done. The Lord prepaares some people and not others and that´s just how it is. So we are looking for more people! Pray we can find the prepared people!!
the good news from this week is that jacqueline and carlos have both prayed and know that joseph smith was a prophet. they are so humble and full of faith. they just need to go to church now! but jacqueline was sick on sunday, i think she might have dengue. thursday is carlos´s birthday, he is turning 12, and he gets to have a party!! we are excited for him. he is excited too. the other day we went by and he was making his piƱata. oh, also jacqueline wanted us to discipline carlos though haha. I guess he isn´t very obedient to his teachers at school, and he bothers the other students, pulls girls hair, etc. haha. :)

i love you all. thank you for your exampes for me and for continuing to perseverar hasta el fin (endure to the end!) it´s so important, keep going, sigan adelante! read the Bom and pray always! it´s the best thing you can do. Love Hermana Tibbitts